Friday, July 15, 2011

Another year older...

Caden turned 5!  In celebration of his birthday he wanted to have a party at his house and Bounce U.  So we did just that!  We invited lots of his friends, but because it's the middle of the summer and no one likes to be in Arizona in July, only about half of his buddies were able to make it!  He had lots of fun and enjoyed every minute of HIS day!

Some of my very favorite things about Caden at age 5:

He has such a tender heart.  He's had this since the day he was born.  If someones in trouble he is always there to try and make things better!

He still loves to sit and read stories with Mom or Dad.

He's just now discovered that he can follow the directions on the Lego pack by himself and put together something quite cool!

He loves food!!! He will constantly snack all day and still eat full meals.  Not quite sure about this.  I figure as long as he's active, it's okay. right?

He has his imaginary friend (who's really him): the helpful Caden.  He loves to tell me that "the helpful Caden" went on vacation...but when he is around our house I sure do love it!

He loves tv and video games! (one of the many reasons I can't wait for full day kindergarten to start!)

He is still a little fish!  Loves his swimsuit and would live in it if I'd let him!

We sure love you buddy!  You make our home such a great place!

Clint had to have a boxing match with just about everybody...first there was his loving wife

Next up was his brother-in-law Justin

and lastly was his own brother, Curt.

His request was for chocolate cupcakes, with chocolate frosting, and chocolate ice cream!  A man after my own heart!

the whole crew

he's been in dyer need of a new bike, but out of practicality we were trying to wait for a holiday and we made it!  Yay for a much bigger bike!