Friday, July 16, 2010

4 years old!

It's hard to believe our C-dawg turned 4 on July 6th! With his birthday being in the middle of the summer, it's either a swim party or an indoor party every year. We told Caden he could choose what he wanted to do and he was set to have a party at Chuck E. Cheese. He invited lots of his friends and they all had a blast!
Caden is definately our peacemaker and tender hearted. He loves to make others happy! He still loves the pool and is quite a good swimmer. He is constantly wrestling Daddy and likes to ride his bike. Lately he loves to comb his own hair and make a "hohawk" as he says. We sure love him!

Caden having fun playing games

Having fun racing cars. Love their faces!

Mom was a great help!

Caden wanted Toy Story cupcakes

The crew: Michael, Lexi, Caden, Cade, Max, Logan and Jacks

Caden in the Ticketblaster.

Funny story: We told Caden to throw all the tickets in his shirt so he could grab as many tickets as possible. Apparently he thought we meant to hold his shirt open...and that's exactly what he did the whole time! This picture shows it all. He just stood there and let all the tickets fly into his shirt. I think it actually worked out to his benefit...he scored big and got SO many tickets!