Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Here's our photos from Christmas. The pictures with the kids in their Christmas outfits are from Sunday. Lexi was so excited to wear her Christmas dress, which came with a matching dress for her doll. On Christmas eve we started the tradition of letting the kids open one gift, which is pajamas. They were both very excited about them. On Christmas we had such a fun time. We did our own thing at our house in the morning. We then went to Clint's parents in the late morning to early afternoon, and spent the rest of the day at my parents house. It was such a fun day for all of us. Thanks to everyone for making our Christmas so special this year! I loved seeing Lexi and Caden get so excited about their gifts. Caden was really into opening everything he got this year too. We had a very Merry Christmas and hope you did too!



Christmas was so fun this year, it looks like you guys had a great time too. Oh and didn't you say you got Lexi's dress at marshalls? Soooo cute. Potato soup and homemade bread bowls over here tonight if you guys are bored, come by to witness the bosch do it's magic!haha

The Jackson Family

Merry Christmas! I just can't wait till next year! Hey Ang got that same bike, how fun:). Tell the hubby and kiddos hi!


There are some pictures on this slide where I could swear I am looking at Jackson when he was
Cayden's age! Crazy! Merry Christmas to all of you.

The Revie Family

Great pictures. I got a bike too! We'll have to go riding some time soon.


Merry Christmas! Your kids looked adorable in their Sunday outfits. I love the tradition of opening PJ's on Christmas Eve. We always did that in my family and then we've sort of started that with our kids. We can't wait to get together with you guys again. When are you available?

Alisa Larson

Happy New Year! It was great meeting you guys at the Dayley's. We wish we could have stayed longer! Take care!


hey i just looked at your blog and saw that we picked the same background. Its good to see that we have similar tastes. It looks really good! I love your christmas slide show!