Thursday, January 31, 2008


Okay so if anyones a fan like I am of Lost we've been waiting 8 months and finally the season premiere airs tonight! This is my favorite show on television. I would urge anyone who has not see it to rent the first 3 seasons and watch them. You'll get sucked in and won't be able to stop. It's that good! So to all my Lost friends...happy watching tonight!



I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about Lost starting again. I had to record it last night because we were at the Suns game - but I'm looking forward to spending date night tonight watching it!

Jeff and Ashleigh

We like that show a lot. We got into it the second season, then caught up on the first season. But now that we moved (and since we refuse to spring for cable or other TV service) we don't get ABC clear enough to watch it this season. We'll have to wait until it comes out and catch up with the DVD's. It wastes less time with commercials anyway. We're happy to say that we still get NBC pretty well. So we can still watch the Office - if it ever comes back with new episodes....dumb strike. Can't Hollywood just get along with each other and play fair?

Moss Family

huh... This is one we haven't gotten into, but I am dying waiting for Bachelor to start again, so maybe in the meantime I will have to get sucked into this. Hey... can you email that cinnamon roll recipe you have for your Bosch, please? Thanks!


I LOVE Lost! Unfortunately I missed the show last night but I have high hopes that it'll be replayed sometime this weekend.


I wish I had read this yesterday! We had a lost party last night and I would have invited you guys over for it! :)


We love LOST also. I was so bumbed that the first hour was just a recap of the last two seasons. I was so excited to see two full hours of new stuff.

Jewelia Eagar

we just started watching season 1 a couple of weeks ago, and we LOVE it! Yeah!