Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So Long...

Yesterday it was a bitter sweet day. Clint sold one of the loves of his life...his jeep. For months he's been talking about how excited he was to get rid of it and we've been waiting for the weather to cool down to sell it. It wasn't until it was actually gone last night that it hit him. He wouldn't have anymore late night rides with the top down and no more "dirt road" rides with Lexi. (She would always ask daddy to take her in the jeep with the windows down. She loved it almost as much as he did.) I keep telling him that maybe some day he can buy himself another Jeep!



I can't believe it is gone! You guys have always had the jeep for all the time we have been friends. We are getting ready to sell our truck :(

It is so fun to check up on you guys from time to time and see what you are up to! I heard you guys are thinking of moving to Cooper and Chandler Heights. You would be a bit closer to us! You'll have to let us know what happens with that.

By the way... how do you create a music playlist. Apparently I am a computer idiot and don't know how to do it.


♥ Natalie

How sad for you guys! It's always hard to see something go that you really liked. Hope you guys will find another jeep sometime in the future to fill the void! :)


I noticed something was different when I walked by the other day!!

What is this about moving?!? You will have to fill me in! :)


Isn't it funny how attached we get to silly things like cars? We just sold my red car this week and it is kinda depressing. So many good memories with it, like driving away from grad practice with the top down playing girls just wanna have fun!