You're Esme Cullen - Your maternal instinct to take care of people and be kind draw people towards you. You're compassionate and loving, yet firm when you need to be. You appreciate hard work and value the beautiful results of your dedication to any project.
Take this quiz!
Okay, so I love these books. Well actually I've read twilight and am in the middle of New Moon and can't wait to read Eclipse. I hear they get better with each book. If you haven't read this series, I would strongly suggest it. I'm not that big of a reader and I love them!
I haven't read the third book...yet, but what a fun quiz. I'm Edward. "You have great taste for the finer things in life, a classic style, and you understand the way people work so you can manipulate easily. You have many talents and a bit of a temper, but you are mostly level-headed and rational." It actually seems to sort of fit me.
Sooo cute, I will call you Esme from now on. Isn't that lady a real actor, makes me wonder is there a movie in the making?
Oh and Curt was Jacob, not the worst person to be I suppose.
I've been addicted to these books since February. I've managed to get all of my friends addicted too. I turned out to be Bella...I'm not sure I'm much like her, but then again, I'm not really like any of them.
I don't know much about books in the States and I'm glad so many of you like this series. I've been looking for a good book to read. Thanks
p.s. I took the quiz without knowing anything and came back as Esme. Now I really have to read it and find out.
I was Alice Cullen. Kind of surprising as I don't really think of myself as the same personality as her. Then again I am not sure I am really like any of them.
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