Mark this day as an "all around" emotional day! We woke up early, maybe even too early because everyone was too excited about school starting, even me! Don't get me wrong...I love summer and having the kids home and our days open to do whatever, but I was so ready to be back on a schedule and have a routine again.
Lexi started 2nd grade. Yesterday as I dropped her off, I could tell she was excited to see her friends and was confident in being an "older" kid. She told Caden all the "ins" and "outs" of elementary school. She was sure to help him as much as he needed. In fact, when she got home she told me that she said, "hi" to Caden every time she saw him, but he would never acknowledge her. I guess he's already a bit embarrassed by his older sister! Lexi got "the teacher" that everyone says you want to steer clear of. Well, since you can't request teachers it was just our luck that we got her. We'll see how it goes. I figure Lexi is a great student and can always rise to the top...we'll make our best of it and who knows? Maybe (fingers crossed) everything will be just great!
Caden began kindergarten. I remember feeling a realm of emotions when Lexi went to school, but not quite the same that I felt with Caden. I think a big part of it, is that he seems (and is) so much younger and less mature than Lexi was. As I dropped him off I was feeling anxious, sad, excited, worried, name it! I was wondering all throughout the day how he was feeling, what he was doing at that very moment, how lunch was going, if he was asking his teacher "how much longer?" or "when is school out?". To my surprise, he LOVED it! He came home happy and had so many stories to tell.
Caden got a wonderful teacher and really likes her. I have already been so impressed and know that she is going to be great for him.
When I asked what Caden's favorite part was he responded, "playing tether ball at recess!" Lexi's was lunch!
Kindergartner |
2nd Grader |
Caden insisted on Lexi not putting her arm around him! |