My dear Grandma Jensen has been reunited with the love of her life, my Grandpa. My Grandmother passed away last Sat. Oct. 3rd. Though I will miss her dearly, I am happy that these two people are together again.
My Grandma is the most amazing person and one that I would hope to resemble in any way. She was the mother of 9 children, grandmother of 48, and great grandmother of 70. She has touched so many lives and I feel blessed to have known her for as long as I did.
These are the things I will miss the very most:
Playing games 'til late at night. Every time I'd visit Grandma she would ask if I was ready to be beat by her at Zilch. I will miss playing Mormon Bridge, where Grandma always put the last card behind her glasses to hold it up.
Her way of shuffling cards: putting them in a bowl and mixing them around
Thanksgiving dinners where the food and company was always great!
Her way of making her own contraptions with rubber bands to keep the kids out of cupboards.
The way she made you feel whenever you were at her house. She was always sure to make you feel right at home.
The way she'd wait outside and wave goodbye until you were out of sight.
The way she ended all conversations when it was time to depart: "Bye, Bye for now!"
Her delicious strawberry jam that my friends and I devoured while visiting after EFY.
Her amazing love for my Grandpa. She would do anything for him!
Her wonderful stories of all the places they have lived and traveled. She has so many friends around the world.
Sitting around the table putting a puzzle together for hours.
The way she'd always brace the top of the car when Grandpa was driving.
Fig Nutons. I can't stand those things, but she always had them. Thank goodness she loved ice cream too!
The baby quilt she made for me when I was born and the ones she made for each of my kids.
I am so grateful for my Grandma! I am thankful that I had the opportunity at the beginning of August to stay at her house and visit with her. She didn't have the strength to get up and move around a lot so we had the chance to just sit and talk. I know it drove her crazy to have guests and not be able to wait on them. That just tells you what kind of person she was. I will cherish those last visits and look forward to the day when I'll see you again Grandma!