Friday, September 18, 2009

preschool time

Caden started preschool on Tuesday at Apples to Zebras. He was so excited to go to school! He had a great time his first day and didn't understand why he wasn't going every day like Lexi. When I took him to school on Thurs. he thought he needed his picture taken again. He thought that every time I took him to school that he was going to have his picture taken. I let him know that we took his picture the first time because it was his first day of school. I think he gets it now. I guess I'm lucky to have kids that love to have their picture taken!

Isn't he a handsome preschooler?

Friday, September 11, 2009

say what???

Do you see a connection between these two pictures?

Yeah, me neither!

But according to Caden they go hand in hand.

"Bye Lexi, hotdog!" is his saying every morning as we drop Lexi off at school. Where he came up with this one? No one knows!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

96 degrees...

And we're celebrating! Lexi has been wanting to ride the jeep for months now, but I'm continually turning her down because it's just too hot. I decided that I'd charge the battery and hopefully soon we could use it. Tonight we decided to venture out to the park and surprisingly it felt decent (meaning we weren't sweating the first two minutes we were outside). It was nice to be able to spend some fun family time together outside rather than being cooped up in the house. Caden brought along his soccer ball and Lexi the t-ball set. We had fun and can't wait for it to be 20 degrees cooler in about 2 more months!