We had a fun ward activity at Coons Bluff yesterday. Clint loves repelling and has been excited about this since he heard about it. Me, on the other hand, never really thought too much about it until the night before when Lexi asked me, "Mom, are you going to repel tomorrow?"
(Me) "I'm not sure I'm kind of scared."
(Lexi): "Mom you shouldn't not try something just because you're scared."
(Me) sigh...thinking to myself how smart and right she is (thanks to Clint for teaching her that), "you're right."
So with that thought in the back of my mind I thought I might take a chance and try it out. That was until we got there and I saw how tall the cliff was we were repelling off of (gasp)! My friend Tori and I looked at each other and she goes on to say that she'll do it if I do. Then along comes my fearless friend Michelle, who knows I'm competitive and like a challenge, and says that I have to go try it. So up the mountain I went. Oh yeah, and it is so much more scary from the top! Not good. As soon as Tori started getting her harness on I knew that there was no backing out now. If she was going through with it, so was I. I suited up, took direction, and with so much fear in my eyes went for it!
I have to say it was fun. Not enough fun for me to run up the cliff and go right again (probably because I made myself sick with fear), but fun enough that I'll do it again sometime.

Go Tori!

Me coming down!

I'm Still Alive!

Clint thinking he's a pro!

They had gold panning for the kids. Lexi thought that was pretty cool.