I've been tagged by my friend Jessica to publish 6 random things/quirks about myself.
Here are the rules: 1. --- there is no rule one. 2. Post the rules on your blog 3. List 6 random things about yourself. 4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post. 5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog. 6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
1. I have the weirdest freckles ever! Yes, I have a ton of freckles on one arm and barely any on the other. It splits down my neckline in almost a perfect line and continues in a line down one arm. I do not know why they are like that. I asked a dermatologist once and he told me that it's a type of birthmark that developed during my childhood. I know totally weird! I have people ask me about my freckles all the time. I use to hate this so much. I was very self conscious about it, but now love my freckles and realize that they are uniquely mine and no one else has any just like me! Most people tell me, "That is so cool!"
2. I love things clean! I know I've said this before, but I am kind of OCD about cleaning. I am an "A" type personality and this definitely comes from my mother. (It's a good thing Mom!) I cannot go to bed with dishes in the sink, I have a set schedule of things I clean on certain days and I live by it, and I am a strong believer in Clorox wipes! I love knowing that my house is clean and orderly. It's taken me a while to get here, but I have loosened up a bit and realize that I can't constantly clean up toys all day. So as long as the kids clean up at the end of the day and I go to bed with things clean, then I'm happy! Clint even knows now that if I'm gone out and if I come home to a cleared off counter and dishes put away I'm a much happier person!
3. I love kids cereal! Clint makes fun of me all the time and loves to point out that we don't have any "grown up" cereal at our house. I do like some "grown up" cereal, but the kids stuff is much tastier. My current favorite is Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
4. I brush my teeth 4 to 5 times a day. I love having clean teeth! I usually brush after each time I eat something. This is another one Clint likes to make fun of me for. All I have to say to him is it must work because I don't have any fillings in my teeth. I also love going to the dentist. I love the feeling of a clean mouth when you leave. If insurance covered more than two visits to the dentist a year, I'm sure I'd be there.
5. No Dessert??? I would die. I have a sweet tooth and always want something for dessert after dinner. At my house growing up we always had something whether it was something homemade or store bought cookies and ice cream. My kids now know this about me and have already inherited it. Every night when dinner is through I hear, "what's for "D"(dessert)"? Don't worry, we're always sure to eat plenty of healthy foods first!
6. I'm hooked to word games on facebook! I know it's pretty pathetic, but I love those games. I feel like it's some sort of way the stimulate my brain every day. I am also very competitive and this is some good competition against friends. Thanks for getting me hooked ladies!
This was fun! Hopefully I don't seem too crazy to anyone! I tag Brittany, Tiffany, Michelle R., Nikki and Sussana!